Too Little, Too Late
January 26, 2011
Oh AT&T, when will you learn? You aren't going to retain customers by offering the same service they can get elsewhere. Customers who have decided to drop your service and go to Verizon didn't decide to switch because "the grass looked just as green on the other side". If you want to keep your iPhone subscriber base, and continue to grow it, for that matter, you have to offer something Verizon doesn't. Here's an idea: start with free Wi-Fi tethering. While Verizon is charging people extra every month for data they've already paid for, you come out smelling like roses (I know, that's two cliches in one post, but so be it). The point is you don't differentiate yourself by offering the same thing as someone else (unless you're pointing out that you made a mistake by eliminating unlimited data). Verizon is new to iPhone owners, you've got to offer something new too.