It's Supposed to be Standard, Right?

September 26, 2006

When I first set up this blog, I turned on the option to automatically publish an Atom feed. Personally, I prefer RSS, but it was no big deal. Once I had my blog set up, I decided to use a little JavaScript code to link my home page. At first it worked beautifully, but one day I discovered something funky going on. Apparently the code had changed. Somehow. Turns out, when I saved my last post the last post was formatted differently from all the others. My code was looking for one element, but it was getting another.


Don't Eat a Dead Horse

September 08, 2006

I just read that the House approved a bill to ban the slaughter of horses for meat. First, I don't understand why killing horses for meat should be illegal when it is perfectly legal to kill cows, pigs, chickens, and other animals for the same reason. Aside from that obvious argument, I have to wonder why the U.S. needs such legislation. Proponents' arguments seem to center around the alleged inhumanity of the slaughterhouses, but by all accounts this bill does not address how the animals are killed, only why. Frankly, I find it dificult to imagine a better reason for slaughtering horses, than for food. Since the bill does not seek to outlaw all slaughtering of horses, one would think that the best way to control the humanity of the process is to control the methods used by slaughterhouses.

Finally, I'm perplexed by a bill such as this being introduced into the U.S. Congress. In an article on Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) noted, "People are ticked off about the beat-a-dead-horse bill we're doing today." This bill is aimed at three horse slaughtering plants in Texas and Illinois. Surely Congress has more pressing matters to attend to. Didn't I read something about White House-introduced legislation concerning millitary tribunals for U.S. "detainees"?


Fantasy (Finally)

September 05, 2006

My boss has been begging me to join his fantasy football league. His argument is that it's free, so why wouldn't I join? Well, "Because I don't want to" apparently wasn't a good enough answer, so this year I'm managing my own fantasy team. I have no idea how to do it, and little inclination to learn, but as a lifelong (overcompetitive) sports fan I think I can figure it out. Besides, I fully expect the Jets season to be in the toilet by game 5 this year, so I'm going to need something to look forward to on Sundays...
