New Safari

July 23, 2007

The blogosphere is abuzz with the news that Apple has released a public beta of Safari 3. More to the point, this is the first version of Apple's in-house Web browser that is available for Windows. Naturally I had to get it.

I've used Safari before, mostly for testing purposes, and always found it to be a vast improvement over Internet Explorer on any platform. There is, however, one major problem, in my opinion. When Safari encounters a JavaScript error, it fails silently, as it should, but finding out what went wrong is like pulling teeth.

Fortunately, like Firefox, Safari comes with a JavaScript console which can be found (among a couple of other nifty options) under the Debug menu. Unfortunately, the debug menu is hidden by default. Still, instructions for revealing the Debug menu on Windows are pretty simple.

  1. Go to: %APPDATA%\Apple Computer\Safari\Preferences.plist
  2. Insert: IncludeDebugMenu
  3. Start Safari.



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